
LEEP is a platform that connects passionate Egyptian social innovators to professionals and researchers and facilitates the exchange of ideas and resources between them. A community that works collectively to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities across Egypt.




Founded on human connection. Brought together by a common goal, our community grows as we know one another and build trust, sharing positive personal and professional experiences to lay the groundwork for collaboration and collective impact.

Democratizing Knowledge

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Our library is community-curated, allowing the wide exchange and dissemination of knowledge directly relevant for community members. It leverages expertise from within and ensures access to shared resources including data, research, and archived programming including webinars, podcasts, and expert Q&As.

Supported by Technology


Our web portal and mobile application complement offline programming by enabling continuous visibility, accessibility, and connectivity of knowledge and networks generated across the community. This is critical in ensuring equal access to resources and reducing disparities in development.


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“A basket with two handles is better carried by two” - Egyptian expression

By building a multi-disciplinary community of social innovators, not only are our collective ties strengthened but so is our ability to tackle common challenges that lie beyond individual reach. Harnessing evidence-based knowledge and our collaborative efforts, we are better equipped to identify development gaps and work toward achieving national solutions and global goals.

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 The LEEP Digital Social Innovation (DSI) map visualizes social innovation taking place in Egypt, by sector and stage. By layering key development indicators from various open data and sources, it provides dynamic analytics which allow users to both identify key development gaps and see who is innovating to solve these challenges. This is particularly useful for entrepreneurs who need to conduct market research as well as researchers and development practitioners to gain up-to-date insights through powerful visualization tools.

Ecosystem Events & Opportunities

What’s happening in the Ecosystem? LEEP’s calendar allows members as well as the wider community to share events and opportunities of relevance both across Egypt and around the world. Increasing visibility and accessibility to this information is one of the ways we seek to democratize knowledge and reduce redundancies of efforts within the entrepreneurship support ecosystem.

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